Blog tagged as property accounting

Back Office Accounting and Common Misconceptions 

04.02.22 12:34 PM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
Back Office Accounting and Common Misconceptions 

An efficient back office is behind every successful company. It has a big impact on your business operations and how well you can achieve your objectives. 

As a result, it is necessary to give a hard look at your back office operations. It is more important than you think and decides your perfor...

Common Lease Abstraction Issues and How To Solve Them 

03.09.21 09:00 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
Common Lease Abstraction Issues and How To Solve Them 

Leases are bulky but essential documents in every real estate business. These documents carry important clauses, making lease management even more difficult. Reading leases every time a tenant wants to sign them can be time-consuming. Instead, lease abstracts serve as a summary of the original docum...

6 Reasons To Outsource Your Back Office Accounting 

01.09.21 09:00 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
6 Reasons To Outsource Your Back Office Accounting 

The real estate industry deals with a large number of transactions every day. In 2020 alone, 5.64 million existing homes were sold in the US. These transactions also vary in magnitude from huge property investments to small maintenance expenditures. That’s why accounting and bookkeeping pl...

The Top 10 Property Accounting Mistakes You Need to Avoid  

15.07.21 09:00 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
The Top 10 Property Accounting Mistakes You Need to Avoid  

As a property manager, accounting is a significant part of your work. In 2020 alone, 5.64 million existing homes were sold in the US. With so much transactional data, you need to have strong accounting skills to maintain a realistic picture of your company's financial health. 

