Blog tagged as IFRS 16

How to solve these top 8 lease accounting nightmares

31.08.22 09:30 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
How to solve these top 8 lease accounting nightmares

Lease accounting is the process of understanding the impact of your companies leasing activities on its finances and cash flow. Though this sounds simple, it is a much more complicated process in reality and has put many companies under the FASB and SEC radar quite easily. If you do the lease accoun...

KriyaGo Blox – Your one-stop solution to all property management needs 

29.08.22 09:00 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
KriyaGo Blox – Your one-stop solution to all property management needs 

Real estate property management is much more than just making money. If you are a property manager and owner, it is challenging because you are forced to wear a number of hats. There are endless tasks that no one has prepared you for. But these property management tasks are crucial nonetheless and n...

IFRS 16: Are You Ready For The Big Change?

10.06.21 06:04 PM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
IFRS 16: Are You Ready For The Big Change?

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) introduced IFRS 16 Leases in January 2016. IFRS 16 brings a new lease accounting system, changing the way companies report under IFRS.


Almost all companies utilize leasing in some form or the other, with some leasing retail spaces while ...
