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Top benefits of KriyaGo Expense Management 

21.08.23 02:49 PM By Soubhik 2 - Comment(s)
Top benefits of KriyaGo Expense Management 

Management of expenses is a vital task for any kind of small or large business, which comes with monitoring, recording, and organizing the expenses to boost profitability. Employees need to submit their expense reports for out-of-pocket expenses that are later processed and rejected or ...

6 Steps To Assess Your Business Cloud Readiness 

28.12.21 12:00 PM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
6 Steps To Assess Your Business Cloud Readiness 

According to a report by Flexera, 36% of businesses have increased their cloud spending to $12 million in 2021. While increasing your cloud budget is important, most businesses overlook their cloud readiness when they plan migration.  


A cloud readiness assessment is y...

The Top Benefits of Outsourcing Lease Abstractions  

09.08.21 09:00 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
The Top Benefits of Outsourcing Lease Abstractions  

Property management companies are focusing on lease abstractions as a means of communicating leasing terms with their tenants. Many companies hire an in-house team for lease abstractions. But commercial real estate leases require experts as they are bulky and complicated. That’s why outsourcing is o...
