Blog tagged as expense management

How KriyaGo's Integration in SAP Concur Can Help in Expense Management 

21.08.23 09:54 PM By Soubhik 2 - Comment(s)
How KriyaGo's Integration in SAP Concur Can Help in Expense Management 

The global tourism sector is expected to grow its GDP contribution to $15.5 trillion by 2033, showcasing 11.6% of the global economy, and will expect to employ around 430 million people all over the world—that’s quite incredible!

Expanding global business and mobility has increased the global demand ...

Top benefits of KriyaGo Expense Management 

21.08.23 02:49 PM By Soubhik 2 - Comment(s)
Top benefits of KriyaGo Expense Management 

Management of expenses is a vital task for any kind of small or large business, which comes with monitoring, recording, and organizing the expenses to boost profitability. Employees need to submit their expense reports for out-of-pocket expenses that are later processed and rejected or ...

Top 7 Best Practices for Better CAM Reconciliation

20.10.22 09:30 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
Top 7 Best Practices for Better CAM Reconciliation

A real estate business has a lot of paperwork; it might be monotonous, but it is extremely important to run the business smoothly. One of these crucial but tedious works is CAM reconciliation or Common Area Maintenance Reconciliation work. Though this is a part of the more extensive lease agreement,...

Why is Expense Management Important for Real Estate

14.12.21 11:00 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
Why is Expense Management Important for Real Estate

Real estate firms incur expenses just like any other business. According to the National Association of Realtors, real estate agencies have a median business expense of $6,290

As a result, it makes sense to manage your expenses to derive more value. It will help you gain control over your busi...

Top Benefits of Expense Management Software

04.11.21 03:56 PM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
Top Benefits of Expense Management Software

Gone are the days when real estate agencies relied on paper processes and spreadsheets to manage expenses. Today, most of them have switched to expense management software to streamline workflow and improve productivity. 

Are you wondering if you should make a move too? Do you need more informat...
