Blog tagged as CAM

10 Things You Must Include in Your Real Estate Lease Agreement

03.08.22 09:00 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
10 Things You Must Include in Your Real Estate Lease Agreement

A Lease Agreement is the basic backbone of all transactions between the landlord and tenants. There are residential leases and commercial lease agreements that are different but there are many essentials that every lease must include, no matter what the type. It lays out the terms and conditions of ...

The Top CAM Reconciliation Tips You Need to Know in 2022 

18.03.22 09:00 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
The Top CAM Reconciliation Tips You Need to Know in 2022 

Common Area Maintenance (CAM) reconciliation seems pretty simple at the outset. You just add up your costs and pitch them against your budget to close your books. 

However, the reality is far from this ideal picture. Most real estate agencies are left scratching their heads trying to figure out ...

Common Lease Abstraction Issues and How To Solve Them 

03.09.21 09:00 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
Common Lease Abstraction Issues and How To Solve Them 

Leases are bulky but essential documents in every real estate business. These documents carry important clauses, making lease management even more difficult. Reading leases every time a tenant wants to sign them can be time-consuming. Instead, lease abstracts serve as a summary of the original docum...

Top 9 Best Practices For CAM Reconciliation

23.08.21 09:00 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
Top 9 Best Practices For CAM Reconciliation

Common Area Maintenance (CAM) reconciliation sounds simple. Just add up all common area expenses and divide them among all the tenants. But in reality, it is a complex and time-consuming process.  


You might miss certain expenses or end up overcharging your tenants. Additionally, any ...
