
Blog by Kriyago

7 Biggest Account Payables Mistakes Your Business Must Avoid 

06.04.22 12:00 PM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
7 Biggest Account Payables Mistakes Your Business Must Avoid 

Your business can incur endless problems if your accounts payable is not flawless. Post pandemic all kinds of businesses have suffered from the unpredictable scenarios coming their way. The situation has become extremely volatile and sensitive. When you are working in such unpredictable scenarios no...

The Top CAM Reconciliation Tips You Need to Know in 2022 

18.03.22 09:00 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
The Top CAM Reconciliation Tips You Need to Know in 2022 

Common Area Maintenance (CAM) reconciliation seems pretty simple at the outset. You just add up your costs and pitch them against your budget to close your books. 

However, the reality is far from this ideal picture. Most real estate agencies are left scratching their heads trying to figure out ...

How Remote Work Transformed the Back Office Since the Pandemic 

24.02.22 09:00 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
How Remote Work Transformed the Back Office Since the Pandemic 

COVID-19 disrupted business operations across industries last year. A massive number of people lost their jobs while others had to shift to working from home. 

However, all of us imagined this setup to continue for the short term. Nobody knew we would have to stay out of the office for more than...

The Surprising Truth about Outsourcing Property Management Accounting 

23.02.22 09:00 AM By Kriyago - Comment(s)
The Surprising Truth about Outsourcing Property Management Accounting 

Managing a property is no easy task. You have to take care of endless responsibilities that include maintenance, coordinating with vendors, paying staff on time, and more. 

Each property you manage brings more tasks to the table and can soon overwhelm your time. The situation is more common than...
