Signs That You Need to Outsource Your IT Requirements 

08.11.21 01:30 PM Comment(s)
Signs That You Need to Outsource Your IT Requirements

Running a business is not a simple task. Entrepreneurs have to handle countless workflows and processes every single day. On top of that, they also have to manage the company's IT operations and digital needs. 

At times, things go beyond the capability of entrepreneurs to manage IT requirements efficiently. As a result, the growth of the company is hampered, and your bottom line suffers too. 

Therefore, it is necessary to spot the signs that tell your business needs professional assistance. Here are the top ones that indicate it's time to outsource your IT requirements. 

Your costs are overwhelming  

IT can incur huge costs, especially if you handle everything yourself. You will have to buy hardware, set up your servers, maintain an IT team, pay for maintenance, and more. 

Therefore, your IT costs can add up to a staggering figure at the end of the month. 

Entrepreneurs who find themselves in such a situation should consider outsourcing IT requirements. A survey by Deloitte also shows cost reduction is the top reason for 70% of businesses to outsource

As a result, businesses can save considerably by eliminating the need to invest in hardware. They also don't need to pay salaries to an IT team or invest in maintenance. 

Instead, they can enjoy world-class IT services for affordable monthly payments. 

You experience too many bottlenecks

Businesses need a range of resources to manage IT requirements in-house. For example, you need qualified experts to manage your IT infrastructure and run maintenance. 

Additionally, you need the right hardware to manage your IT services yourself. 

However, not every organization has in-house expertise. Small businesses may not even have an IT team to manage their architectures. 

As a result, you are bound to experience a lot of bottlenecks on a daily basis. No wonder24% of organizations choose to outsource to improve efficiency

In addition, 18% of businesses rely on outsourcing to access external expertise. Therefore, you can also outsource your IT requirements and boost your productivity. 

Your business lacks automation

Automation is the key to grow your business. It can help eliminate manual processes and streamline workflow, irrespective of the industry. Additionally, automation can also reduce costs and save the effort of your workforce. 

However, entrepreneurs need solid technical knowledge to implement automation. They need to be experts in technology to choose the right solution for their needs. 

Sadly, that is not always the situation. As a result, businesses have to rely on outsourcing to unleash automation. 

In fact, 75% of companies look for technologies like robotic process automation (RPA) while outsourcing. It helps them improve efficiency and even reduce costs by up to 60%, says Deloitte. 

You cannot digitally transform

Most businesses have already transformed digitally and experienced massive growth. However, some entrepreneurs are still wondering if they should make a move. As a result, they are stuck in legacy systems and data silos that hamper business performance. 

You need to outsource your IT processes if you find it difficult to transform digitally. An external partner with due experience can help you eliminate silos and make data free-flowing. Additionally, technologies like cloud computing can bring several advantages to the table. 

69% of businesses had already adopted cloud in 2019 to enable digital transformation. It is now time for you to choose a reliable outsourcing partner and unleash digitization right away. 

Your organization is target of cybercriminals

Cybercrime is on the rise, especially after COVID-19. Large-scale data breaches are now more common, with a growth of 273% in the first quarter of 2020. Along with that, other forms of cyber-attacks and hacking are becoming widespread, like: 

  • Ransomware 

  • Malware and viruses 

  • Phishing 

A single data breach can put your business and reputation at risk. Additionally, it can lower the value of your company by 7.27%. 

You surely need to outsource your IT services if you are a victim of frequent cybercrime. It shows you are not capable of securing your investments. Therefore, you need an expert to guide you and make your business more secure. 

Your business isn't agile enough

The success of a business depends on how quickly it can react to market changes. Entrepreneurs should always be ready and keep an eye on circumstances to stay agile. 

However, many businesses can't respond to market changes as they can't afford the time. They are too tied up with managing their IT requirements. As a result, the entrepreneurs don't have the time to study the market and make accurate predictions. 

Outsourcing is the way ahead if you find yourself in such a position. It will help you hand over your IT responsibilities to a proven partner while you stay free to stay updated on the market. 

As a result, 40% of businesses choose outsourcing to stay flexible, as per Deloitte. Around 18% of organizations also outsource to become agile. 

Moreover, 20% of businesses work with an outsourcing partner to improve speed to market. 

Outsource your IT requirements with KriyaGo

KriyaGo can help businesses take advantage of cutting-edge technology to handle IT requirements.  Take advantage of all the ERP systems you like and integrate everything together!  

Our team has experienced IT professionals and accountants to manage your daily processes. With MiCasa, you’ve a real estate property management solution that works for you. 

Additionally, we provide specialized outsourcing services to save your effort. We can handle crucial processes on your behalf, like back-office accounting or help desk for your system users.  

With KriyaGo, it’s easier to make strategic decisions and grow your company. Since we have experience in working with businesses of all sizes, we understand your requirements clearly and provide a tailored service for unleashing innovation. With intelligent automation, we can help you create robots that do all the mundane, repetitive tasks for you.  

Contact us today to know more. 

Final thoughts

Outsourcing your IT requirements is the sure way to growth and transformation. You can cut your costs and boost operational efficiency by choosing to outsource.  

Additionally, your business will become agile and stay flexible to react to market changes. You will also be able to boost security and protect your business from cyber-attacks. Moreover, you will be able to enjoy top expertise and guidance at affordable rates. 
