SaaS Integration is Tricky, but the Right Partner Makes it Easy

25.08.22 09:00 AM Comment(s)
SaaS Integration is Tricky, but the Right Partner Makes it Easy

Software as a Service (Saas) has many advantages when it comes to automating and running a business. But SaaS integration can be a tricky affair and comes with its own set of challenges. When you do not team up with the right third-party integration partner, you can be in for many problems. As SaaS gains more maturity over the years, its integration has also become a technical task that only industry experts can handle.   


If the correct SaaS integration happens for your company, it can help optimize your resources and positively impact your ROI. But how do you know the right way? Read this article to know the challenges of SaaS integration and how the correct third-party integration partner can help mitigate these problems.    

Challenges of SaaS Integration, Why it's Tricky

When companies use one or more software to automate their business process, they must work together cohesively. If your system does not support multiple APIs, you are in for a whole other problem. But more than 38% of businesses say they work entirely on SaaS. How did they get there? Here are a few of the challenges of SaaS integration that companies face. Know them in detail before you start your journey.  

• In-house custom-built integration

Many companies try and develop their own SaaS apps and systems. That is an extraordinarily costly and time-consuming process. Employing, training and paying expert software developers is a big blow to your company funds. In-house SaaS development also needs custom coding, which hardly any new software developer can keep up with. You have to pay for experienced people and constantly keep them in your system. Why? Any software can face regular glitches, updates and bugs and that need for your developers to be constantly present to mitigate these.  

• Time constrain issues

It becomes a substantially time-consuming affair when you do not use a proper third-party partner to integrate SaaS. Most companies opting for SaaS integration are in a hurry, but moving your manual office work and automating it can be a long drawn thing. Even if you have an existing software system, an inexperienced integration partner will need a lot of time to integrate new features and customizations. 

• Insufficient integration

It is essential that whoever your SaaS integration partner is, they make sure that multiple software can work together in your system. Why? You might not need two different software right at the beginning, but your software needs will increase when you scale your business. If the integration process is insufficient initially, you will have to revamp your whole system when you want to integrate new features in the future.  

• Little to no customization options

While you integrate SaaS into your system, you have to ensure that your partner offers customizations and adds features. Many players in the market offer very little to no customizations on their software. This can be a dangerous affair for your business. No two businesses are managed the same way; that is why you need customized features to stay ahead in the competition. When you onboard a third-party SaaS integration partner, you need to do your due diligence about the company. Ask the right questions and remember all these touch points when taking the first step. 

How the Right SaaS Integration Partner Can Make it Easy

No more overhauling your whole system to integrate additional SaaS options and features. An excellent third-party integration provider will provide you with a seamless integration process where you can use features from various SaaS providers all under one dashboard.  

• Quick deployment

An experienced SaaS implementation consultant will make the deployment real quick. Your work will be smooth, and no time will be wasted on in-house testing. All development and problem mitigation will be done on the software partners’ end, and you will never face its challenges. 


The KriyaGo team provides such quick deployment of new software. Our expert team will integrate the new features and solutions into your system within days without disturbing your current work. We also provide employee training and support services to ease the change for you. We provide a holistic solution to all your technology implementation plans. We will guide you in the best selection of technology in project management to make it cost-effective and smoothen your tedious office work.  

• Cost-effective

Any project management best practices will require your SaaS integration plans to be cost-effective. Otherwise, the whole purchase becomes redundant if it ends up costing as much as your manual labor. But scaling your business needs multiple ERP systems under one umbrella. 


The KriyaGo platform helps you leverage, use and integrate only the features your system needs. You subscribe and pay for just the features you use, not the whole software solution. The lack of major initial investment in integrating these solutions is why most SMEs prefer third-party integration services to positively impact their ROI.  

• Innumerable customization options

As you partner up with a SaaS integration company, they will allow you to implement the best software features in the market to reach your business goals. From CRM software to marketing solutions, customized features to cater to your specific business needs can be found with the right partner. You no longer need to depend on generic solutions to all your business needs.  

Parting Thoughts

SaaS integration is like coins that have two sides. You need to rethink your strategy and leadership in the company to understand both sides of this service before you leap. Using technology to handle your business is not a one-day journey and not an easy one. That is why you need an expert integration partner to help you leverage the best software features to help you reach your business goals. 


KriyaGo’s SaaS integration plans include three major brands, Procore, Yardi and SAP Concur. You can do all of it under one dashboard, from back office work to budgeting forecasting and even asset management and construction management. Partnering with our team, you will use the top features of all these SaaS providers without individual investments. Wonder how this can work? We are here to guide you every step of the way. Talk to us over a one-hour free consultation call, and we will help you understand the process in further detail. 
