How Low-Code and No-Code Software Can Help Your Business 

25.07.21 07:00 PM Comment(s)
How Low-Code and No-Code Software Can Help Your Business

Low-code and no-code software are meant to build tools for business automation. Unlike traditional software, these tools require little to no coding knowledge. Instead, they use simple features to enable non-IT developers to build applications.  


Just like their names, no-code requires no coding whereas low-code requires little coding for app development. In the coming years, the low-code/ no-code market is expected to see tremendous growth. A report by Forrester projects the low code market to reach $21.2 billion by 2022.  


Companies need to start utilizing these platforms to build simple tools for automating various business tasks. Before getting started, understanding the advantages and applications of both platforms can make automation easier for you. 

Advantages of low-code platforms

Faster and easier software development

Since these platforms require zero to minimal coding, developing tools using them is much faster. Low-code/ no-code platforms help you: 

  • Simplify software building through drag-and-drop functions and flowcharts. 

  • Eliminate the learning curve as no knowledge of coding is required. 

  • Make easy changes through one-click processes  

Through these features, you can easily make software without coding knowledge.

Wider resource pool

Through low-code/ no-code platforms, non-IT people can also assist in app development. Instead of hiring IT experts, you can allow your employees to build apps that suit your business requirements. Many citizen developers with brilliant ideas also build apps through such platforms.  

Business agility

As market trends change, a company’s software requirements also evolve. Low-code/ no-code platforms allow you to make quick changes in the software. Whether it is current trends or a customer request, you can add and remove features to make it more convenient. Without disturbing the code, you can make simple alterations in the software’s structure to suit your requirements. 

Save on costs

Companies rely on full stack developers for building and maintaining their software requirements. The average annual salary of a full stack developer in the US is above $80,000. This can be expensive especially for small businesses. Through low-code/ no-code platforms, companies can get equivalent results at half the costs. Even full stack developers can use these platforms to complete mundane tasks while focusing on other important ones.  

Higher productivity

These platforms allow you to skip repetitive and unimportant coding. Through their various features, you can build custom made applications. This improves the productivity of your developers as they can work on more complex code. It also lets you tweak your application, so you can have different versions of software according to client requirements.   

When to use low-code and no-code

Both low code and no code platforms are built to improve speed and agility. But, one works better than the other for different software requirements. 


If you are looking for a simple one-time software or portal, no-code is a better option. It is easier and has multiple features to suit your requirements. But, if you want additional features or customizable applications, you need to choose low code. 


For instance, a simple app for displaying activities on a dashboard can be built through no-code. But if you want to customize the same for different clients, then low code will provide you the flexibility to do so.  

Challenges with low-code/no-code platforms

Even though these platforms are built for easy usage, there are some challenges while implementing and using them. 


  • Low-code/ no-code platforms have pre-coded templates and features. These are good for quick usage but do not allow much room for innovation. 

  • Integration using such platforms is challenging. This makes it difficult to scale your software according to your business growth. 

  • Since these platforms allow easy creation of software, it is difficult to track the number and kinds of applications made. This can pose a threat to company and user data.  

  • Scaling and managing software through these platforms might require some IT knowledge. 

Opportunities with low-code/no-code platforms

Low-code/ no-code platforms provide various scopes for business automation. There are four popular ways to get the best out of these platforms. 

Workflow technology

Companies use multiple software and applications for different tasks. At the end of 2018, large companies were using an average of 129 business apps. Through low-code/ no-code platforms you can streamline all your business apps on a single platform. Workflow technology solutions allow you to automate various tasks and also integrate them on a platform of your choice.  

Custom app building

This is the basic purpose of low-code/ no-code platforms. These apps are not only easy to build but also easy to maintain. Features like drag and drop allow citizen developers to build apps from their own ideas. For full stack developers, these platforms help in building more apps by providing pre-coded templates for common features. 

Robotic Process Automation

Single applications built on low-code/ no-code platforms are not suitable for extensive automation. Through RPA, low code apps can repeat human tasks such as responding to emails and texts. Involving both RPA and low-code/ no-code allows you to automate tasks on a greater scale. These allow apps to mimic human tasks across multiple channels. A combination of both can achieve hyper-automation in any business.  

Intelligent Process Automation

IPA is based on RPA but has an additional feature of artificial intelligence to it. IPA tools overcome most of the drawbacks of RPA. They are capable of making complex decisions and handling advanced tasks.  

Get started with Business Automation through KriyaGo

KriyaGo helps property management companies automate their business tasks in different ways. We work with state-of-art software like Yardi and Procore to provide you with the latest innovations. According to your requirements, we can integrate multiple software so you can benefit through their best features.  

Dozens of companies have already benefited from KriyaGo’s software integrations. Through our professional team, we provide unique insights, market expertise, and solutions for your software requirements. From finding the right tools to training and onboarding, we can handle the complete integration process.  


At KriyaGo, we believe in prioritizing digital transformation. Book a consultation with us to know more about our services! 
