4 Common Strategies For Successful Azure Migration 

08.07.21 09:00 AM Comment(s)
4 Common Strategies For Successful Azure Migration

When you are considering Azure migration, choosing the right strategy makes all the difference. Microsoft recommends a four-step approach for Azure migration. Based on this, multiple methods utilize different services and tools. Out of the many, we will discuss the four popular planning models: Rehost, Refactor, Rearchitect, and Rebuild.  


Azure migrations involve a lot of preparation before the actual migration. Just like 95% of the Fortune 500 companies, if you want to move your data centers to Azure, follow our step-by-step guide for a successful migration.  

The four step Azure Migration

Azure is one of Microsoft’s cloud platforms that can build and deploy applications using Microsoft’s global data centers. To ensure a successful migration, we recommend this four-step approach. 


Assessment is the first step to determine the type of migration you will be doing. Some migrations move large amounts of data while others are smaller ones. The amount of data determines the type and duration of the migration.  

One tool that helps in assessment is Azure Migrate. A tool by Microsoft, it helps in determining the cloud space you will need. It also provides an estimate of the monthly costs of your cloud migration.  

You can also evaluate the critical points of Azure compatibility: platform, data, connectivity, and compliance. Each attribute ensures that your application is ready to migrate to the cloud. 


Assessing also helps you understand the type of storage solution you require. For example, if your migrations are small, you can opt for standard Azure storage. However, they have a specific limit to the amount of data they can store. Beyond the limit, you have to opt for premium storage.  


You should also have different storage for hot and cold data. The information regularly used by the application (hot data) requires fast storage. However, cold data that is rarely used can be stored in a slow, less expensive storage.  


 Planning the migration ensures the smooth execution of the process. There are four common approaches for Azure migration.  


Rehosting is the most straightforward approach for data migration. Also known as “lift and shift,” it involves the direct transfer of data from on-premise centers to the cloud. Rehosting deploys databases using platforms compatible with “Infrastructure as a Service.” 


This strategy is used when there are limitations to resources for Azure migration. It does not require any significant changes or complete transformation of the data. But, there may be substantial changes to aspects like administration and infrastructure operations. 


Rehosting lets you keep running the application with minimal changes. However, due to no data transformations before migration, rehosting can cause many problems. For example, any issues and insufficient data on the on-premise software will move to the cloud. Also, without the proper planning and approach, it can substantially increase the total costs of migration.  


Refactor strategy uses the “Platform as a Service” group of applications. It involves making changes in the code to make the application compatible with PaaS. This strategy is time-consuming as it requires altering the code. However, it is also better than rehosting as it is more scalable and reliable. You can also migrate the data to managed database services instead of PaaS. 

Refactoring has fewer shortcomings. But, it does not allow more considerable changes that are more efficient on cloud services.  


Unlike refactor, this strategy completely alters the application code to make it Azure-compatible. It breaks down the code to make smaller applications called microservices. These are more efficient on the cloud. Microservices have their own data sources to avoid depending on a single source. As the services are independent, you can check each of them for inherited issues. Each microservice holds a small part of the code, making it easier to test and prepare them for migration.  


Rebuilding involves changing the entire application code to build it again. The application is rebuilt with the intent of cloud migration. While this is the most time-consuming and difficult process, it also gives better results. Since you rebuild the application using cloud services, it has lesser risks and shortcomings.  


Preparation for migration involves getting a widely accepted report about your strategy’s dependency. Applications require a PoC or pilot as evidence of the merits of the chosen approach.  


Proof of Concept, or PoC, is generated for a maximum of three features. Typically, it answers questions like “Will this strategy work as expected?” and “Will the solution meet our requirements?” 

A PoC involves the following steps: 

  • Defining success criteria. 

  • Engineering of the solution. 

  • Checking the solution against the given criteria. 

  • Accepting the requirements based on success. 

A pilot, on the other hand, is closer to the actual process. It is a test run that runs for weeks or months. Usually, a pilot involves not more than 100 users who handle all the functions. As it is more thoroughly planned than a PoC, it has lesser risk. In case of failure, you still have the flexibility to move to a different approach. 


In the final step, you execute the proposed migration model. Depending on the approach you choose, you will require specific tools and templates for migration. Resource Manager Template by Azure helps you to complete migrations using a simple configuration language.  

After migration, you need to monitor the performance and costs of the application. Then, if it meets your current goals, you can discover more ways to utilize Azure. Another aspect to focus on is data security. While cloud-based platforms are secure, it is safer to prepare backups. Also, continuously monitor the application for security issues.

How KriyaGo helps with data migration

We provide data migration services for your property management software. Move from on-premise data storage to Azure through KriyaGo. We understand the company’s needs and suggest data migration solutions accordingly. We assist you in every step of the process, whether assessment, planning, preparation, or execution.  


With KriyaGo, you don’t have to worry about any software implementation. We offer excellent automation services along with professional support. Choosing us will get you premium consultancy, software specialization, and brand partnerships. 


Start your Azure migration process by booking a free consultation! 
